Sadhanas & More...

The Condensed Chöd Empowerment

While there are now many versions of the Opening of the Sky Door empowerments in the various lineages of Chod, this may be the most ancient or original empowerment, as collected by Rangjung Dorje, the 3rd Karmapa, appearing in the collection of 22 texts that comprise The Previous Rosary of Chöd Feasts.

While a translation is essential for understanding and receiving the wongkur, it is also a vital practice in itself. If you have received the empowerment, you can do the self-empowerment regularly to renew or boost your connection to MaChik and the lineage. If you have been unable to receive the empowerment, it is a wonderful and effective blessing and connection until such time as a vajra master confers it. However, if you are a fortunate being, you may receive it directly form MaChik and then there can be no doubt! May all beings benefit.

In a handy 5.5 x 8.5 form, most printers allow the PDF to be printed as a booklet so that full 8.5 x 11 sheets can be folded in half.

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MaChik's Confession Prayer

This extract from the Rinchen Tsokley Trengwa (Precious Rosary of Feasts) collection is a poetic and deep practice of recognizing and clearing the impact of negative thoughts, feelings and actions. It can be done in Tibetan (following the accompanying melody MP3) or English, the main point being one's intention and sincere good heart.

The term "confession" is a loaded one, with its connotation of shame, guilt, penance and so on. But the Tibetan word (shakpa)actually means to reveal, lay open, explain, acknowledge. In the same way that the English word "sin" was a translation of "to miss the mark,"(cheit in Hebrew) it is a clear perception of how we can do better, rather than a burden of self-hate. The translation attempts to communicate this sense.

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Pegyal Lingpa Ritual Cycle

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Green Tara

Red Vajrasattva Practice

Red Vajrasattava Bardo

Red Vajrasattva Chulen

Red Chenrezig

Red Amulet Phurba

Offering to Samsara & Nirvana

YangGuk-Hooking In

LungTa-Wind Horse

Riwo SangCho

Mar Sur - For the Departed


Lion-Faced Dakini

Pegyal Protectors
Pegyal Fire Puja

Red Vajrasattva Mantra